EPID Community
11 min readFeb 8, 2021


EPID is Hosting an AMA with Unique One.
🕖AMA Timing : 7th February 2 PM UTC | 9 PM (GMT +7)
🏚Venue For AMA: @EPID_Community_VN
💰Reward Pool : 100 USDT

➡️Segment 1: Project Introduction

Q1: Can you give a brief introduction of what Unique is?What is it aiming to do, and what it intends to solve in this industry?

Unique.One aspires to be a truly decentralised digital art marketplace that supports Artists instead of profiting off them. We are non-profit seeking and have a net-zero fee policy. We believe in supporting Artists and do not charge Artists for creating work.

The ultimate objective for Unique.One is to create a vibrant true decentralised marketplace independently operated by the Digital Art community which will offer new and professional Artists a place to socialise and push their creativity to the limits in a fair and level playing field.

Unique will be governed by a DAO for true decentralisation. In the first phase, we will gather community votes via snapshot. Right now, we have the ratification of the Unique One DAO Governance Proposal. All token holders will be able to vote at governance.unique.one. Our token price has performed very well after launch which means there is strong acceptance of our idea.

We have just launched our new project Unique.photo so make sure you dont miss it.

Q2: Can you share some of your background and experience? How did you know and get involved in cryptocurrency? What made you decide to found Unique?

We are an international team with a presence in Japan. Our team comprise of passionate and experience crypto industry persons which includes Mr Pandu from Indonesia who is the most well know blockchain person there. She will be speaking at ETHDenver.com which is the largest Ethereum virtual event going on now. Vitalik and many famous personalities are there. We have a booth there so dont miss it! We are also the sponsors of VR Art Gallery which is doing auction with proceeds going to struggling artists. There is a virtual event for 2 hours every day. The next time to visit the virtual castle is in 2 hours time but you have to pre-register.

Q3: Currently, there are many scam projects that cause investors to lose. So, Why we should choose and trust Unique?

We are 100% committed to our multi-blockchain platform and we will be expanding by setting up more platforms. Unique.photo is our second project. The direction we are looking at is to build in the Polkadot ecosystem. However, the smart contract EVM capabilities of the chains there are not ready at the moment.

We are an international team and while some of our team is anonymous because we respect their privacy, this is because we are a DAO project and our job is to handover completely to DAO within the first year and not own the platform. The community should own it and not the founding team. Our code has been audited by the largest blockchain lab in Ukraine, Distributed Labs. Please feel free to drop by our group and let us know any questions.

Q4: Can you tell me more and everyone here about Unique ecosystem?

We are 100% committed to our multi-blockchain platform and we will be expanding by setting up more platforms. Unique.photo is our second project. The direction we are looking at is to build in the Polkadot ecosystem. However, the smart contract EVM capabilities of the chains there are not ready at the moment.

We are an international team and while some of our team is anonymous because we respect their privacy, this is because we are a DAO project and our job is to handover completely to DAO within the first year and not own the platform. The community should own it and not the founding team. Our code has been audited by the largest blockchain lab in Ukraine, Distributed Labs. Please feel free to drop by our group and let us know any questions.

Q5: What is a mission of project?

We are the anti-establishment.

We are the anti-corporation.

We will disrupt all online marketplaces.

We shallcreate a true decentralised net-zero fees platform for humankind.

We will compete head on with mainstream platforms such as ebay, etsy, stock photos, etc.

We define true success as full handover of governance to the community.

We will embrace the community; and give them wings to fly.

We will together create opportunities for everyone.

This is who we are

This is the Crypto Purist Manifesto

➡️Segment 2: Question From Twitter

Q1: @okme58111039
4,000,000 $RARE token was created the first year, Have you minted more $RARE token in the recent years, Are you planning a fixed $RARE total supply or you will continue to mint more tokens?

Our supply starts at 2.5 mil at year 0 and year 1 it will reach 4 million. The reason is our reward is heavily at the beginning especially in the first 3 months. We just passed our first month so you have a great chance to earn the next 2 months. The supply will gradually be released until year 5 where there is a fixed total supply of 10 mil. This supply can also be reduced if the community choose to burn the fees.

Q1. Dont miss the unique.photo because all $rare holders will get an airdrop of $foto and also they will be able to provide liquidity for more $foto and stake for $foto. People who com in now will benefit the most.

Q2: @Wiliam02903656
You explored all the major projects currently being promoted and discovered none satisfied the DataGrid’s need for security and scalability while remaining decentralized. If You solve this problem, how were you able to achieve it?

Q2. Yes, al though we are strong supporters, ethereum is extremely expensive top transact and slow right now. Our project has a multi chain plan. So unique.photo will be built xDAI which is Ethereum Layer 2. and even before that Unique.one will also have another marketplace on xDAI. But this is not our main objective. We aim to build a fwe more marketplace dapps and then we will build our own blockchain on substrate hopefully by end of the year. Those who have tokens earlier will always get airdrop of new tokens. And in the end, all the tokens will be airdrop polkadot substrate chain.

Q3: @venao18639289
currently many blockchain projects are hampered in terms of funding and it is very difficult to become a big project, Q. Does the UniqueOne project have partners in project development in providing funding and making your project big, how is your strategy to be achieved?

unique.one started with a small funding of usd200k via private sale. everyone even team members have to buy the tokens. we call this fair launch. this means there are no cheap tokens to dump on investors. but now the token price is already 7x from launch just one month ago. it was 10x at one point. the funding is small but we have a big team of volunteers and you can see our rapid progress. we have just launched unique.photo which is the world first nft photography website and this is exciting because there are billions of photographers worldwide and right now photo platforms take as much as 40% profit from photohgraphers and there is no way to know the actual quantity sold. we believe this will be one of the largest nft platform in the world. photographers do not get charged (pther than smart contract and eth transaction) and they will earn many rewards starting with creating nft. we expect millions of nft in a short span of time. for this project we are also raising minimal funds via NFT sales on Unique.one. The first batch yesterday was sold out in 12 hours. So we will release another batch today because many in the community did not get to buy. So this is our philosophy, we raise minimum amount so the tokens are cheap and investors can benefit.

Q4: @mylhe
According to your site, there will be no public sale for your platform and the $RARE tokens will be floated on Uniswap at a low starting market-cap. Can you explain more about the floating mechanism of $RARE token in Uniswap?What is the pros and cons of having a floating supply?

The main reason we floated directly on uniswap is so that the community will have the opportunity to provide liquidity and earn liquidity rewards. we are also listed on biki exchange which is a cex because of the boss extreme interest in our project. we also have a few more strong supporters which includes a famous blockchain lab and a famous youtuber in the USA but we do not feel we need to highlight their support. right now, because of high fees on ethereum, maybe it is good for the community especially small holders to trade on Biki. but if you look at our liquidity on balancer and uniswap, there areusd600k to usd800k of liquidity which means our community still prefers DEX. This is a lot because our marketcap is less than USD2mil and our competitor is more than USD 15 mil.

Q5: @cudosinichi9
I understand that soon the $ RARE tokens will be listed in BIKI Exchange and Uniswap, I understand the importance of Uniswap, but really why list it in BIKI and not in another? And when will the next IEO be listed in?

Our team did not have the intention to list on any CEX in the beginning but when we talk to Biki, they have a very interesting platform with many investors in China. We discussed it and decide that having exposure to the China market could be a good thing. So we have a telegram Chinese and Japanese group at the moment. The Chinese group mostly trade on Biki because I beliueve DEX and NFT is not a big thing there yet. Although some dislike CEX, actually CEX does offer many products. When we launched we have staking of rare for USDT^ rewards of 13.88% APY. As a team, our interest is the community and since most volume is on DEX, we will go this direction. We may try other interesting things such as Sakeswap ILO system as well which allows direct conversion into Liquidity Provider. We may be able to create a $FOTO pool with rewards of $SAKE as well as $FOTO. I think this will be interesting for the community. The amount will not be very big as we expect that our NFT card sales with $FOTO airdrop will finish first, leaving just a small amount for ILO.

➡️Segment 3: Free asking

Q1: @tarminatores
Which one of these aspects important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price&Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally
In what order?

This is exactly our order
1-Increasing Token Price&Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally

In what order?

Q2: @Tast28
DeFi, Gaming, NFT, Staking, Farming, Lending & Insurance Ecosystems Very popular and hot right now, How will $RARE respond to this? Will $RARE in the future launch a pawnshop & pension fund ecosystem to make the $RARE platform unique & attractive?

A: You are right. The application of NFT is actually very wide and digital art is just one of the areas and maybe the first popular application. But actually, we are using smart contract and NFT to disrupt marketplaced such as ebay or even amazon. As for NFT and Defi, we have a collaboration with NFTwrapper which will allow NFT tokens to be stored in vault and erc20 tokens to be issued. The application for us is to fractionalise an expensive piece of art lets say the monalisa and create 1 mil erc20 tokens that represent a portion of ownership. In the finance world, this NFT can represent a Bond and each erc20 fraction represents a piece of the bond. The advantage for finance companies is that they can easily manage and automate divident payments and also resale of bond fractions. NFT in itself is a billion dollar disruption technology and with DeFi, this is a trillion dollar opportunity. For unique.one and unique.photo, our aim is to be the largest crypto native marketplace in the world.

Q3: @kobt3
A $FOTO Airdrop is supposed to be given to $RARE holders this February after a random snapshot. Can you explain the requirements we have to meet up with to get this Airdrop? Is there a minimum and maximum amount of $RARE tokens we have to hold and is there an Airdrop ratio?

There are no requirements, all $rare token holders will get airdrop at snapshot, even those balance on biki will get airdrop, we have approve from biki exchange boss. even the $rare inside the liquidity pool will get the airdrop. there is no need to do anything expect hold your rare. so 5% of the much coveted supply of $FOTO will be airdropped to this category. After this airdrop, do not sell your $rare because we will give another 5% to the $RARE liquidity provider over 3 months time! We will also try to start a $FOTO staking for 1% qty but this may change. Once you get your $FOTO tokens, you can get more $FOTO by providing liquidity!! So there is 2 ways to start, either buy $RARE now which is at a good price.. based on the value $RARE is about 20% returns based on $FOTO

Q4: @Khongt729
How will you generate profits / income to sustain your project and what is the revenue model? How will it benefit your investors and your project?

FIrst of all, we do not have a company. Platforms such as superrare, opensea and rarible all have a for profit company that is making money from platform fees. The fees on our platform goes to the community so the cumulative value of our project is in $rare tokens or $foto tokens and no where else. We have an extremely low fees, which is just 1% on buyer side and we feel this needs to be amazing because our competitors charge about 6 to 7% total for buyer and seller fees and even more fees for creation. Because our token model is based on DAO model, so the DAO have some $rare tokens for operation in year 2 to 5, we are not worried as long as people can understand what we are and we grow. Once we are popular, the community can decide to raise this amount to make it sustainable. This is a system where the community benefit and even the founding team are community members who are more active and need to build the foundation for the project to succeed. We have to buy the tokens at same price as everyone else and we dont have free tokens like other projects.

Q5: @Antoni_azx
I saw some days ago you’ve released your Japanese website. It’s important for the growth of Unique.One ecosystem to keep expanding it’s tools to more languages and communities. What will be next? Do you have a Spanish community?

Hi, we have chinese and japanese telegram communities and this in fact started by community members. We prefer organic growth and there is a lot of people asking for money to start community groups and we think it is not good for the project if the person doing it is doing for the money, not because he believe in our project. So if you would like to start a community, please go ahead and build and inform us. We do not promise any benefits but later on we may have ambassador programme and such. I have worked for many projects and I understand that projects that is pure money based will always breakdown. but projects that are community driven will survive anything, even a long winter. If you have any ideas for promotion, please let me know. We do not have a big budget but as you can see with out ETHDenver sponsorship, we dont mind spending if we think it is good for the project. We spend more than Chainlink for the event so please come and visit us at our booth in 45 minutes at ethdenver.com. Our booth is in the same room as Chainlink and the event is jam packed with a lot of good talks, quality industry people and a lot of free stuff include NFT you can collect. Our team member, Ms. Pandu will also be speaking, you can see her on the speakers list on the website.

Thank you for the support and enthusiastic participation of the community!
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