EPID Community
7 min readAug 3, 2021


🕖AMA Timing : 3rd August 2 PM UTC | 9 PM (GMT +7)
🏚Venue For AMA: @EPID_Community
💰Reward Pool : 100$

➡️Part 1: Project Introduction.

Q1. Could you briefly introduce yourself as well as your project?
Once again, this is Zee from MedicalDoge. Im the head of the marketing department.

I'm part of a group of medical doctors who are also crypto enthusiasts.

Dr. Bennie is the leader of the team, our CEO.

We have been serving the poor and the needy in our government facilities. Covid is very challenging and puts a lot of burden to healthcare. We don’t have enough ventilators. Even masks and personal protective equipment are scarce.

. It’s a very difficult time to be a doctor. Out of this frustration came this idea of a token. Medicaldoge came to existence.

The decision to be doxxed was to promote trust and confidence in our investors and future partners and with this partnership, I really want to be able to help the covid situation here in our country.

Our project is a charity token. Charity is the utmost priority of MedicalDoge.

We will also provide staking opportunities by opening a staking vault in Pantherswap.

Another major goal in the early launch will be getting listed in Coinsbit exchange.

We had a good discussion with the marketing agent from Coinsbit and once this is launched in Pancakeswap, we will push through with Coinsbit exchange listing.

Q2. What makes the MEDICAL DOGE project stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Thank you for that wonderful question :0

What makes MedicalDoge stand out is the charity token with priority of staking opportunities. Not a lot of charity tokens target staking vaults.

They are just purely charity. For our project, we aim to open as many staking vaults as we can but our first priority will be opening one in Pantherswap.

You can earn panther tokens while staking MedicalDoge tokens.

We had massive marketing and support from the community. We had more than 10 youtube promotional videos.

We invaded twitter space with synchronized tweets from more than 5 influencers.

. We are listed in more than 8 coinlisting sites. We just won the contest/poll with 100x Pump Community.

So, we have very active members and willing to take this project to the top. We are not just a charity token. We are a community-driven project with far superior active members.

Q3. What are the memorable milestones of MEDICAL DOGE in the research and development process?
The organic growth of the community is the greatest development of the project.

. Now, we are nearing 7000 members, and will have more before our scheduled presale.

Marketing was also pretty huge with the help of youtubers, as mentioned, we had more than videos with very good feedbacks from every influencer.

We are listed in several coin-listing sites, upvoted by the community. We won the 100x Pump Community, reaching the poll first with 1500 votes and members joining from our group.

The team learned that are several ways to make this token relevant, hence opening a staking vault became our priority as well as listing in a centralized exchange.

. Many tokens fail to enter centralized exchanges. We are here for longevity, hence this decision for staking and CEX listing.

➡️Part 2: Question From Twitter (5 best questions).

Q1. From @minziGI444
Currently many projects collect donations unfairly by saying that we’ll help charities. If Dogemedical really did this? Will community decide which organization will be the charity platform? Have charitable organizations been identified for the assistance that has been provided?
It is true that charitable organizations are needed to be identified properly for it to work.

But for the first few charities, we hope to help local heath facilities.

This will make sure that we can facilitate the charity work properly. In the future, we plan to help Organizations chosen by the community.

However, we have to properly vet those organizations to make sure that charity funds wont be put to waste.

Q2. @Kmarclo
Many people want to learn about your project but they have problem with English, so do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries whre English is not good? Do you have marketing strategy aimed at developing many different communities?
Yes, we are currently engaged and have chat groups with various nationalities.

We have admins there who communicate with us any concerns of their respective communities and they also inform their communities about the direction and plans of the project.

. It is our goal to connect with everyone because we aim to help regardless of culture or race. We are all in this fight together against COVID and only by helping each other can we overcome this.

These are our different MedicalDoge communities and feel free to join them

Chinese communities

Vietnemese Communities

Arab Community

Japanese Community

South Korean Community

Sri Lanka


Q3. From @Albertjaison2
I read MDDOGE’s Presale will be on August. Can you tell us more about it? And what expectations do you have? Do you have any whitelist we can join? Where will this event occur and how many tokens will you have on sale? Once this event is done what should we expect from you?
We recently concluded our whitelisting for the private sale.

Those who were whitelisted had the opportunity to buy Mddoge token at a 50% discount.

Minimum buy is 0.1 with max of 0.5 bnb.

We had too many whitelist entries and private sale was sold out.

Private sale tokens sold were only less than 1% of the total supply. Unsold tokens were sent to the eater address, burned.

We are now preparing for the presale on August 4th, 2pm UTC. Soft cap 1000 BNB and Hard cap is 2000 BNB.

This will be via DxSale.

. Minimum buy would be 0.1 BNB and max would be 5 BNB. We have provided already the link in our telegram group.

. We will list in Pancakeswap once hardcap is filled. The time will be decided by the community.

We will then list this token in Coinsbit once this is launched in Pancakeswap. Staking vault also in pantherswap will be opened.

Q4. @minhnam34449
We honor the life lost to Covid 19 panemic and also appreciate all the health workers and institutions around the globe. In one way or the other, how has medicaldoge contributed its quota towards easing the pressure and welfare during this pandemic?
We work as doctors here in the Philippines. We saw how the pandemic destroyed the lives of people. Families were devastated by the disease.

This served as the inspiration of this project

: to be able to support our health care system through donations/charity.

As we know our country is not that equipped to handle the surge brought about by the virus. We lack equipment. We lack masks even.

This is where this token comes in. Hopefully when we launch successfully.

. We could monetize part of this project to donate to the covid facilities. That’s the goal. We will fully document every charity even so that community will see our dedication in helping health facilities.

Q5. @AKausi
Can you provide me the link where I can stay a little more informed about the news to follup and thus be aware of the various updates of your project?
There are the links for our website and social accounts to stay updated in our project.





These are all for the updates if you want to follow our group.

but there was a problem just now, our telegram just got deleted..

so here's the temporary new group..

➡️Part 3: Free asking (5 best questions)

Q1: @knvvvg
Hello sir,,,đź’“đź’“

Do you have AUDIT certificates, or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable???
We have 2 audits

We had a full project audit from coinscope which earned a score of 89. With silver security.
We also had one smart contract audit from Techaudit which also passed.

So yes this is secure. The contract is also generated from the DxApp platform. so there are no hidden source codes :)

Q2: @pashavai7
Hello sir đź’–

can I buy your tokens right now and also which wallet support your token???
We will have the Presale via DxSale on August 4th 2 PM UTC, you can use metamask or trustwallet to buy the tokens. This will be claimed once we finalize the tokens.

Q3: @ExcellentNandu_mAmA
Staking programme is very important for any project, Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?
Yes. We planned to open a staking vault in pantherswap. You can stake your MDDOGE tokens and earn pantherswap in return. So yes, this will be good to make our project long term, and survive

Q4: @NooB_SaIBoT2
How important is the community to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?
The community is the most important entity of our project. Medicaldoge is community-driven. We encourage the members to be active involved in every charity event and as well as support us for the future of the project. We are all in this together :)

Q5: @Brurin_hihi
I got scammed a lot of time :D , rugs, exit scams etc. - how can we investors be sure that this will not be similar, are your contracts public & somewhere to be seen?
The CEO doxxed himself. He is a doctor who takes great pride in his job. Our contract can be seen and it is readily available in our telegram group. This is minted from the DxApp so no hidden source codes and this one is very safe. We had 2 audits passed to ensure the security and greatly enhance the faith in our investors



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