🕖AMA Timing : 30th September 3 PM UTC | 10 PM (GMT +7)
🏚Venue For AMA: @EPID_Community
💰Reward Pool : 100$
➡️Part 1: Project Introduction.
Q1: Can you give a brief introduction of what DeHealth is? What is it aiming to do, and what it intends to solve in this industry?
DeHealth is a decentralized healthcare project with an AI-based mobile application that provides universal safe access to healthcare services for millions of people, which allows them to maintain their health and make treatment more effective. Through this app, people will be able to connect with doctors from all over the world while the doctors and health institutions will have access to the required medical information of their patients (if the patients grant them access). The application is under development, but the web-platform itself is successfully functioning and can be tested.
To ensure full control, the company uses blockchain technology to create and manage a user-oriented electronic medical record. The project currently has 2,7 mil users and also is supported by governmental organizations.
Another element of the project that will be launched is fitness trackers which will be synced with an app and will provide accurate biodata. All the data will be analyzed by our Personal Assistant based on Artificial Intelligence in order to paint the fullest picture of the person’s health.
So, this is how we can prevent the development of dangerous diseases and even premature death. Moreover, DeHealth will connect big players such as Big Pharma companies, research centres and governments with users and these big players will buy data from the users.
Q2: Can you share some of your background and experience? How did you know and get involved in cryptocurrency? What made you/your team decide to found DeHealth?
Our founders are Denys Tsvaig and Anna Bondarenko, Denys is the President of the Cybersecurity Association of Ukraine. He has more than 13 years of experience in cybersecurity, and development processes. Anna is the President of the International e-health Initiative. Actually, on the project are working people with experience in different fields: medicine, cryptocurrency, jurisdiction…
And regarding cryptocurrency, before launching DeHealth, Denys was working in an American blockchain start-up. They were building a decentralized OS and Denys played the role of a CTO on this project. Safe to say he knows his way around blockchain infrastructure and cryptocurrencies. Moreover, in the frames of the project we have studied the experience of other countries that tried to implement digital infrastructures for healthcare and some projects were closed despite huge investments. That had happened because people didn't want to fill out their medical records with data. And cryptocurrency motivates people to do that.
Such a loyalty program is also needed in order to have more data for AI in our system. The decision to launch an investment token was necessary so that we did not depend on funds, but shared our own token with the world community. This is what decentralized healthcare is all about.
But the idea of DeHealth came from a dream: to create a product that will be useful to billions of people, to make technologies and science serve people so that people can prevent their illnesses and reduce the probability of premature death!
Unfortunatelly, Anna and Denys are not taking part in this AMA session today, they would share their inspiration with you!
But, each Thursday we have AMA sessions in our chat with the CEOs
Q3: Currently, there are many scam projects that cause investors to lose. So, Why we should choose and trust DeHealth?
In the field of healthcare DeHealth is the first project of this scale. But most importantly, in case with DeHealth a full data protection is guaranteed. Each client personally controls his personal data and opens access to his medical record only to whom he deems necessary. Personal data moves from patient to doctor based only on GDPR compliance and personal data protection. And since we have all the safety certificates, the state recommends us!
90% of our clients are state clinics. Clinics with doctors and patients benefit from its use. What’s interesting is that In the pilot project, we didn’t spend a dollar on advertising. All 3 million users and 35 thousand doctors were attracted through world of mouth, clinics themselves were interested in obtaining tools we provide. Who doesn’t want to receive orders from customers in another region? This is a great opportunity to scale business and improve your image.
➡️Part 2: Question From Twitter (5 best questions).
Q1: @PackTwo60
Do you need any license or permission legally to use the DeHealth project? What kind of work have you done on legal regulations, do you have the necessary licenses and permits?
The project is developing in a few areas according to our roadmap and legal issues are one of the most important parts as far as healthcare industry is rather complex.. DeHealth itself does not provide medical services, which is why the company does not need special licenses. However, all doctors who enter the platform, of course, must have state-level licenses and experience, which is carefully checked. Our task here is to simplify the work of the doctor, help him to correctly diagnose and reduce the time to see the patient. We also provide the patient with the highest level of protection of his data, comply with GDPR and receive all the security certificates of our software in the country where we go.
Q2: @LuckySkow5
We know that not all people speak English, some people speak different languages, Japanese, Vietnamese, and other Spanish. How is your page projected to reach different communities that speak languages different from yours? How globalized is your project?
Currently we are working in Eastern Europe, our web platform serves almost than 2,700,000 patients and 32,000 doctors. The digital medical record is maintained in three languages, but mainly in Ukrainian. We plan to digitize all treatment protocols in the whole world and upload them to AI by making Latin an unified language. However, the interface will be in all popular languages of the world, we plan to translate our platform to Spanish, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Chinese (and even more).
But this is not only a question of language, but also of treatment protocols in each country, which we will need to digitize in order to simplify the work of doctors and medical centers.
Q3: @HoangMinhDuck
Recently, we have been seeing application projects for the health sector. What makes DeHealth different from its peers? Can you tell us about your important milestones that you have accomplished?
We are the first to be working on the edge of healthcare, blockchain and big data. Thus, instruments we offer win by their range and quality.
Most of our competitors are focused on digital health cards, missing out on other features we are working on such as data analysis, usage of AI, blockchain, education portal, payment system, marketplace for medical products, services, and data.
But DeHealth is a decentralized healthcare. This is a completely new game and a new field.
Moreover, we know how to work with big data, we know how to draw the right conclusions for AI!
Our pilot is currently working in Ukraine, we’ve been partners with the Ministry of Health for 3 years already and we work with the governmental support, (For instance, by the government we are legally allowed to tokenize patients data). 32k+ doctors and about 3 mil. patients as I've have already mentioned joined our system and use it to manage appointments, store their medical records and transform all paperwork into digital format
Q4: @dOUyIN9354
One Problem that I could see that Doctors that Will be available on Dehealth would neccessarily not be from Crypto World, isn't it?
Do You think it would be easy for them to be on this Platform?
There won’t be a connection between a Crypto World and Doctors. Doctors will not be strictly from the Crypto world, because that is not necessary for their expertise.
We will be working with certified doctors with years of practice and experience. All the doctors in our platform are checked through our legal department. We work only with legal entities, medical institutions or private doctors who conduct their practice. They provide us with their state medical licenses, which we (our legal department) check. In case if a complaint is received against a doctor, we deprive them of access to our platform.
From the point of view of crypto part of the project, the idea here is that tokens are the form of the patients rewards For example, you ran 5 km, received tokens, you followed the doctor's recommendations - you received tokens, you passed examinations on time, and so on and so forth..
Getting tokens for taking care of your health is not limited. And anyone can use these tokens to your advantage: to pay for medical services or consultations to buy medicines, dietary supplements or gadgets.
So, everyone, regardless of their crypto knowledge will be able to easily access our platform, move their work processes online or register a digital health card. Knowing crypto is not necessary to be a good doctor or become a patient.
Q5: @YuneHeDao
One of the DeHealth founders (Anna Bondarenko) profile states that she owns a DeHealthUA branch with 2M of patients and 30K doctors audience. What do the two DeHealth projects have in common and how is the work process in Ukraine already set?Plz talk about the successes and fails
Those numbers are bigger now: almost 3M of patients and 35K doctors. The pilot has been working for 4 years, and for 2 of them it is known as a DeHealth project. Right now, you can create your own digital health card or ask a doctor, who is already working with the system to make one for you. It contains every medical visit, consultation and analysis. You don't fill it up - doctors do. Later, for example if you need to visit a lab, they can easily access your card and receive all required information. No paperwork involved, everything is digitalized and structured according to the international standards.
And blockchain will make patients data 100% immutable, making the trust and quality of such data ultimate.
The main success as we see it lies in the fact that in just a few years we have millions of patients, and 35K of doctors already trust us, but we have not spent money on advertising! The world of mouth is working for us and we are growing fast! But, sure there are some failures in each project and we could mention that a lot of money was spent on confirming hypotheses, they could be confirmed faster without big spendings, but we’ve learned a lot from this experience!
➡️Part 3: Free asking (5 best questions)
Q1: @mariiari
Quality healthcare that can be accessed from anywhere is sure good, but can you tell me a little more about tokenomics? How is it going to work?
First one! Our token will be primarily used in DeHealth mobile app. Despite the fact that the application itself will be free, you will need to purchase an extended version with an AI assistant. The token will also be used as a universal payment method: services, products, vitamins, as well as data will be purchased using the DeHealth token. It can also be folded, providing additional opportunities for doctors. Your token will be used to motivate more service providers and patients to join our platform! People will mine the token, taking care of their health.
It is also a convenient international settlement tool for residents of 3rd world countries.
Q2: @becrit
I see you have a loyalty program? Who is eligible to join? What kind of rewards will be given for what kind of activities? Can these rewards be exchanged for something outside of your platform, like products and services?
This is absolutely true! We dream of people being healthy and we want to help them in this, and even to "motivate". That's why we came up with rewards in the form of tokens, so that a person receives for taking care of their health on a daily basis.
For example, you ran 5 km, received tokens, you followed the doctor's recommendations - you received tokens, you passed examinations on time, and so on
Getting tokens for taking care of your health is not limited. And you can use these tokens to your advantage: to pay for medical services or consultations to buy medicines, dietary supplements or gadgets
Q3: @juliakhm
You say that “You plan to share equal rights for healthcare, but quality and affordability of such services radically differ depending on where you live”, but let’s be real, you won’t get 100% of the worlds population on your app. Some people won’t use it, some doctors might not like it. I mean, would your platform still be usable if, for example, your favorite doctor didn’t join? Would he or she still be able to work with your digital health card? Will the records be available? Also how are users going to pay? Subscription, fixed price, depending on the individual situation? Thank you for your answer in advance!
There was a case, when one of our users got ill far away from his native region. The standard treatment protocols in his case involved the use of a drug that the patient is allergic to. If the protocol was used It would have killed him! By looking at the patient's electronic card in the application, the doctors found out about the allergy and changed the treatment! So that’s how it saved the patient's life.
WHO has depressing statistics: more than 3 billion people do not have access to health services! We want to give the world a platform where people can make an appointment with a doctor from another country or to buy health products of a high quality that are recommended (vitamins, minerals, gadgets). We are blurring the boundaries and making the market more efficient and transparent.
This means that patients can make an appointment with their doctor or choose another specialist from another country.
At the moment, doctors pay for using our platform, when the application for patients is released, the main functionality will be free for them, then there will be a paid subscription, which patients will be able to pay only with tokens.
The right question here is: who will pay for personal medicine?
Developing countries don't have that kind of money.
For this reason, we are introducing the DeHeatlh cryptocurrency so that a person can use it to sell their medical data and receive money for activity in our system.
Q4: @ssprrr
On your website, it says that you are already working with 30k doctors and 2 mil. patients. Impressive numbers for any blockchain project, how did you attract all these people?
That’s right! And we are focusing on attracting more users. We already work with the government and signed a memorandum with Ukrainian Ministry of Health. We are excited to work with the state, because it’s also a huge step for a blockchain part of a project. And we plan to use the same business model while entering Switzerland or Mexico, or another country - through the state.
Most of the doctors and patients who are currently using DeHealth come from Ukraine. And, as we've mentioned earlier, 90% of our current clients are state clinics. We have connected clinics that have given our SaaS software to their doctors. In turn, the doctors brought their patients, who through our platform could make an appointment with a doctor or collect all their data.
Q5: @Mokking_bird
Connecting patients with the doctors worldwide, yadda yadda. How can i be sure these doctors are qualified? What stops them from scamming me? Can i take a look at their profile, see their diplomas and other info? In the end, i don’t want someone without a degree to tell me how to work with my health?
You can always bring your doctor to the platform, the one you trust and know well. And we are working on making this process as painless and easy as possible. We also have motivation program we’ve talked about earlier together with easy to use automated workspace and another channel for finding new patients. We’ll save your doctor a lot of time and motivate to connect colleagues as well. One click and the patient's data is updated. One click and results from the lab are on his monitor. One click and the patient knows what to do.
Regarding their work experience, all doctors are checked with our legal department. Every doctor has a legal entity, whether it’s a clinic they work for, or their own personal office. And to be able to work in healthcare, these legal entities have to be certified with the state and comply with local laws. We check their documents and if everything is alright - welcome to DeHealth. If not, then sorry. You are not a doctor legally, feel free to register as a patient and come back when you are all set.